Illustrations for Fanzine Short Stories and Articles, Part 1, 1992/93
Cover für Kurzgeschichten-Zine von Robert Iberl und mir
Kurzgeschichte von Uwe Voehl, für Nachtschatten Nr. 11
Kurzgeschichte von Uwe Voehl, für Nachtschatten Nr. 11
Kurzgeschichte von Uwe Voehl, für Nachtschatten Nr. 11
Uwe Voehl über Das Medium von Fanny Morweiser, Dandelion Nr. 2
Uwe Voehl über Das Medium von Fanny Morweiser, Dandelion Nr. 2
Uwe Voehl über Das Medium von Fanny Morweiser, Dandelion Nr. 2
Thomas Höhl, “Im Bann des Morcrudes”, Screem Nr. 3
Zeichnung für Dandelion
Cover Dandelion Nr. 1
Freie Illustration
Freie Illustration
A rare attempt to draw with a dip pen instead of a technical ink pen
During the 90s a lot of my drawings were published in fanzines and literary magazines. Most of them were re-prints of commissional work for Bastei or drawings with no particular source; about 50 were created as illustrations for short stories or articels. Part 2 here.