Neal Davenport u.a., Dämonenkiller, Buch 27, “Baphomet”
Roy Palmer u.a., Dämonenkiller, Buch 28, “Herrin der Fledermäuse”
Earl Warren u.a., Dämonenkiller, Buch 30, “Cocos Opfergang”
Edition Dan Shocker, “Das Erbe der Finsternis” (Beilage zu Bd. 1)
Edition Dan Shocker, Bd. 2, “Das Gespensterhaus an der Themse”
Edition Dan Shocker, Bd. 3, “Die Mordwespen des Dr. X”
Edition Dan Shocker, Bd. 4, “Nachtritt der Mondgeister” (nicht erschienen)
Edition Dan Shocker, “Draculas Vampirfalle”
The German publisher Zaubermond was founded in 1994, in the beginning mainly to reprint two horror pulp series from the 70s and 80s, Dämonenkiller and Larry Brent. I produced 11 cover illustrations and 14 black-and-white interior illustrations for Zaubermond pulp booklets as well as hardcover editions.
Wednesday August 10th, 2011 | Categories: Book interior illustrations, Pulp interior illustrations, Pen and ink & pencil drawings | Tags: Dämonenkiller, Dan Shocker, Earl Warren, Pulp fiction, Horror, Larry Brent, Neal Davenport, Roy Palmer, Zaubermond, Drawing | Comments Off on Illustrations for Zaubermond, 1994/5
DK Buch 27
DK Buch 28
DK Buch 29
DK Buch 31
DK Edition Classics, Buch 32
Cover illustration for The Killer Wasps of Dr. X (detail)
The German publisher Zaubermond was founded in 1994, in the beginning mainly to reprint two horror pulp series from the 70s and 80s, Dämonenkiller and Larry Brent. I produced 11 cover illustrations and 14 black-and-white interior illustrations for Zaubermond pulp booklets as well as hardcover editions. Some of the pictures were used again by Bastei.
In some cases (image 1, 2, 4 and 5) the original paintings are lost.
Cover: © Zaubermond
Monday August 8th, 2011 | Categories: Book cover illustrations | Tags: Dämonenkiller, Dan Shocker, Earl Warren, Ernst Vlcek, Pulp fiction, Horror, Larry Brent, Painting, Martin Kay, Neal Davenport, Roy Palmer, Zaubermond | Comments Off on Cover Illustrations for Zaubermond, 1994/95
Bd. 122, Earl Warren, Der Fluch des Inka
Bd. 124, W.K. Giesa und Manfred Weinland, Aufbruch der Werwölfe
Bd. 133, Fritz Leiber, Spielball der Hexen
Bd. 134, Frank Bowman, Satans Erbe
Bd. 136, Logan Derek, Der Augensammler
Bd. 137, T.R. Mahn, Das Monster aus der Tiefe
Bd. 138, R. Warner-Crozetti, Die Kapuzenmänner
Bd. 139, Hugh Walker, Bestien der Nacht
Bd. 142, Wolfgang Hohlbein, Das Phantom der U-Bahn
Bd. 146, Dan Shocker, Schreckensmahl
Bd. 152, Uwe Voehl, Im Schloss der 1000 Tode
Bd. 153, James R. Burcette, Der Herr der Untoten
Bd. 153, James R. Burcette, Der Herr der Untoten
Bd. 161, James R. Burcette, Die sanften Bestien
Bd. 164, Das Grauen von Chichen Itza
Bd. 167, Earl Warren, Der Satansorden von Chalderon
Bd. 169, Damian Fox, Die Spur des Drachen
Bd. 169, Damian Fox, Die Spur des Drachen
Bd. 172, Rebecca LaRoche, Der Dschungeldämon
Bd. 173, W.K. Giesa und Manfred Weinland, Die Vampir-Klinik
Bd. 173, W.K. Giesa und Manfred Weinland, Die Vampir-Klinik
Bd. ?
Bd. ?
Bd. 141, Manfred Weinland, Schattenkinder
Bd. 174, W.K. Giesa und Manfred Weinland, Draculas Rückkehr
From 1991 till 1996 I drew about 160 illustrations for the horror pulp series
Dämonenland, published by Bastei (more
here). In the beginning I shared the job with Thorsten Krächan, after he had left I did it exclusively. In addition, four oil paintings were used as
cover illustrations.
Overview of all Dämonenland booklets at gruselromane.de.
Sunday August 7th, 2011 | Categories: Pulp interior illustrations, Pen and ink & pencil drawings | Tags: Bastei Lübbe, Damian Fox, Dämonenland, Dan Shocker, Earl Warren, Fantasy, Pulp fiction, Horror, Hugh Walker, James R. Burcette, Logan Derek, Manfred Weinland, Michael Schönenbröcher, R. Warner-Crozetti, Rebecca LaRoche, T.R. Mahn, Uwe Voehl, Vampires, W.K. Giesa, Wolfgang Hohlbein | Comments Off on Illustrations for the Horror Pulp Series Dämonenland , Part 2, 1994–96